Inc Behind The Scenes: The Big Shapes, Designing The Alien Mothership
By Neil Blevins
Created On: Oct 15th 2017
Software: None

This tutorial discusses the process we went through to design the alien mothership. Watch the video below, or follow along for the tutorial in text and images...

Here are a series of small thumbnails for the alien mothership.

While The Story Of Inc is currently a book, it was conceived as a "Concept Art Book For A Film That Doesn't Exist", and as such the design mantra was the same as if we were designing for film.

One of the most important concepts while designing for film is a strong silhouette. In a book, you can stare at a design for a long time, noticing all of its intricacies. But in film, you may only see a design on screen for a couple of seconds. And in those seconds you need to be able to tell what it is and what its doing.

"The Story of Inc" artist and writer Bill Zahn has a number of rules he likes to follow when designing for film, one of which is you need to be able to describe a design in a single sentence. For example, a Tie Fighter from Star Wars is a flying H, the Millennium Falcon is a plate with a chunk cut out at the front, or perhaps the simplest of all, the Death Star is a sphere with a crater. These are an example of good, simple, elegant design. Following in that same spirit, Inc is basically a trash can with arms and legs. The Citadel is a 3 sided block. And the alien mothership is a donut with two long towers extending out on either end.

The first step was exploring a number of shapes, letting the mind free. Next the editing process, remove any designs that looked too similar to designs we've seen before. Then see which remaining designs seem to resonate.

The shape language of the final ship design carries through every aspect of the alien race. The mothership was actually the first thing designed, so once it established the donut motif, the same was carried through with the alien species. And the triangular elements were added to connect the ship with its main cargo.

Here's the major take home points:
Try and follow some of these rules next time you make a design and see how it can improve your final result.

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