Subdivision Surfaces Using Support Edges
By Neil Blevins
Created On: Feb 7th 2014
Created On: Dec 10th 2024
Software: Any

When using subdivision surfaces, there are two ways to get sharp edges.

This video shows off the support edges technique, which guarantees the most compatibility between 3d software, but requires more geometry than creases.

While I'm showing off adding edges in 3dsmax in this video, this is meant to be a general video for any 3d software. If you add the same edges in any other app such as maya, Blender, etc, you will get the same end results. So apply the theory to your 3d app of choice.

Oh, and during the video I show I have hotkeys to subdivide my mesh up and down. This is using my script modifySubdivIters for 3dsmax available here.

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