Before reading this tutorial, please read my Anisotropic
Reflections In The Real World
tutorial, which discusses the theory of what makes Anisotropic
Reflections in the real world.
Figure 1
Here's the direction of the grooves.
Figure 2
Here's the example of a CD or the bottom of a pot...
Figure 9
Here's the direction of the grooves that causes the pot picture above.
Figure 10
As you can see, the grooves always go in the perpendicular direction
to where the highlight is stretched.
To get our pot example (Figure 9), we need the Anisotropic Rotation
value to follow a radial gradient. Unfortunately, the Gradient Texture
inside of Blender doesn't do the proper job, so I just used a texture created in photoshop for my gradient.
Here's my shader graph...
I am using the UVs of the object to assign my gradient texture. The
color value is in 0-255 space, so I divide it by 255 to get it in 0-1
space. I then add a value of 0.25 to the result so I get the grooves
pointing in the correct direction. Then I hook that into the
anisotropic Rotation value.
Then apply the material to the object, and we get the result we're after...
Here's an example of full anisotropic reflections on a ground plane
To get our pot example (Figure 9), in the Rotation map slot place a gradient set like this...
Note the output amount is 1.0, and the Gradient Type is
Spiral. That produces this map...
Make sure to apply a UVWMapping modifier on your object, and set it to planar. Then apply the material, and we get the result we're after...
Here's the max file that made the image above:
The orientation is defined in object space, so it defaults to the
grooves traveling along the x axis of the object, which of course
produces a highlight that goes straight up and down (again, the
direction of the highlight is always perpendicular to the direction of
the grooves). Changing
the orientation parameter from 0 to 90 will change the direction of
bumps, and hence change the look of the highlight to something similar
to Figure 1.
To achieve the pot example (Figure 9), you need to provide the shader with a more complex direction. That's where the orientation map slot comes in handy, which bases the orientation of the anisotropy off of a black and white map.
In the orientation map slot, place a Gradient Ramp map and set it up like this...
Note the output amount is set to 2.0, and the Gradient Type is
Spiral. That produces this map...
Make sure to apply a UVWMapping modifier on your object, and set it to planar. Then apply the material, and we get the result we're after...
Here's the max file that made the image above:
Max's Smoothing Groups Can Mess Up Anisotropic Reflections
One thing to note, in 3dsmax (for pretty much all renderers)
smoothing groups can mess up the way your anisotropic shader produces
results. Here's an example. This is a chamfered cylinder with a max
standard Anisotropic shader applied to it. The edges of the cylinder
are chamfered, however, there is no smoothing between the chamfered
edge at the top of the cylinder...
And here's it rendered...
Looks good. But now lets apply a Smooth Modifier to the object, and
set it to a large angle such as 60 degrees...
Here's the result in the max viewport, see how the chamfered edge is
now smoothing with the top face of the cylinder...
And here's the render, which looks nothing like you'd expect...
So if you're seeing odd artifacts, such as extra radial reflections,
check the smoothing on your object, it may be responsible for the error.