So you see all of these art lessons to the left, and are probably asking yourself where to start?

  • The first section, "Art Overview", is the best spot to begin learning about my art making process and how you can apply it to your own work.
  • The second section, "Art Making Process", contains more detailed text / video lessons on the different stages I outline in my Process Overview lesson.
  • The final section, "Life As An Artist", contains some text / video articles on "big picture" art issues such as art direction and art as a career.
No matter whether you're a concept artist, matte painter, modeler, shading and texturing artist, whether you're doing vfx, animated films or videogames, there's probably something here you'll find useful in your own work, so feel free to explore just the stages that interest you, or follow my full 22 stage process by first clicking on Art Process Overview. Enjoy!

My video lessons are hosted on the following sites, feel free to subscribe.


Otherwise, check all the topics to the left side.

As you can probably tell, I am fascinated with Traditional and Digital Art and their application in the Entertainment field. I am hoping that by providing this material, in some small way, I am adding to the collective knowledge base of the field, so please take these ideas and do your own exploration, and feel free to contact me if you come across something cool, I'm always interested in expanding and correcting the materials on this page. A huge thanks for visiting!

This site is ©2024 by Neil Blevins, All rights are reserved. TwitterMastodonBlueskyInstagramCaraBloggerFacebookLinkedInArtStationKickstarterGumroadYouTubeIMDB