Brushed Metal Material
By Neil Blevins
Created On: Aug 21st 2005
Updated On: Dec 12th 2024
Blender or 3dsmax (vray)

Here's a tutorial on how to create a basic brushed metal material.

Before following this tutorial, please read my tutorials on...
So you may hear a lot of definitions being thrown around like a polished reflection, a blurry reflection, or a glossy reflection. So before moving forward, lets define what these are.


Here's pillar at an airport. Notice the tiny bumps going left and right and the reflection stretching or blurring up and down.

And here's the anisotropic reflection on the bottom of a pot.

Software Agnostic Material

The basic ingredients are as follows:

Ways to make it more realistic:
Remember, half of what makes a material look like a particular material is the environment it's in, especially if it's highly reflective. A wise person once said reflections only look as good as the environment the object is reflecting, keep that in mind.

Blender Example

Here's the shader for Blender...

So the Principled BSDF is set to default values.

Then the Base Color is set to black.

The Roughness is set to 0.16 so it get slightly blurred specular reflections. IOR is set to 10. Then make sure IOR Level is set to 1 under the Specular area.

Here's the resulting render.

To get anisotropic reflections, go to the to the Specular dropdown in your material...

I then need some directional scratches for the bump. I do this in photoshop, I simply fill a square with noise, then use the motionblur filter to get streaks. Then I use the Offset Trick to make the texture tilable.

I then add this directional bitmap to the normal input of my material like you can see in the graph below. The bump can be assigned to the object in XYZ (Object) space or to UVs depending on what you pick in the Texture Coordinates node. I also rotated the bitmap so the grooves go in the opposite direction as the anisotropy in the Mapping node. I also reduced the strength on the bump node to get good visual results.

Here's the resulting render.

Here's the blend file, Blender 4.3:

3dsmax (vray) Example

I start with a VrayMtl.

Set the Diffuse Color to black.

For the Specular Reflection, set the Reflection Color to white, reduce glossiness value and set the IOR to 10. This will create blurry reflections that blur in all directions.

Here's the resulting render.

To get anisotropic reflections, go to the to the BRDF dropdown in your material...

I then need some directional scratches for the bump. I do this in photoshop, I simply fill a square with noise, then use the motionblur filter to get streaks. Then I use the Offset Trick to make the texture tilable.

I then add this directional bitmap to my bump, and set the bump value to 20. I set the tiling to get the size of grooves I want, I reduce the blur and change filtering to Summed Area to geta more detailed result, and rotated the bitmap so the grooves go in the opposite direction as the anisotropy.

Here's the resulting render.

Here's the max file, 3dsmax 2022:

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